Life Drawing
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"Reclining Nude" Charcoal and white on prepared paper. 22x30"
Male on Prop. Charcoal and white on prepared paper 24x24"
Portrait of Richard. Charcoal and white on prepared paper 15x7.5"
Sally Standing. Charcoal and white on prepared paper 15x7"
Anna with Sphere. 22x30" Charcoal, white and red on prepared paper
David seated. 11x9" Charcoal. white and blue on prepared paper
Standing Nude
Male nude. Charcoal on Strathmore drawing paper 4'x4'
Female nude. Charcoal on Strathmore drawing paper 4'x4'
Standing female. Pencil on Arches hot press 13x19"
"Reclining Male with Sphere" Pencil on Arches water color paper. 22x30"